Mobile App Redesign Concept

FOCUS ︎︎︎ UI/UX Design, User Research
SOFTWARE ︎︎︎ Figma, Ps

As a UI/UX Mentee at Out in Tech, I redesigned the interface of the mobile mindfulness app Headspace under the guidance of my mentor, Alice Lee. I focused my design on addressing low home screen engagement and users feeling lost navigating the large content library.

Over the course of 6 weeks, I:
  • Created user interfaces in Figma (wireframes, a lo-fi prototype, and a hi-fi prototype)
  • Performed usability testing
  • Designed and conducted user research interviews
  • Created user personas
  • Completed a competitive analysis of 3 similar mobile apps: Better Sleep, Ten Percent, stoic.

In my competitive analysis, I focused on how each company’s mission and target audience was reflected in the design system and user flows.
To better understand user needs, I chose to conduct interviews to best serve a variety of ages, skill sets, and focus on the interviewee's comfortability. If I had had additional time and funding, I would have significantly increased the number of interviewees and brought on additional researchers.

My research informed me of how much in-app guidance users expected, user identification with illustrations, and the location of navigation features. As I delved into the existing interface, I learned to better appreciate the user flows and their reflection of the varied content library. During my project, the largest challenge I encountered was figuring out how to negotiate my redesign with the release of two updates including major interface changes.

I learned the importance of:
  • Designing for a variety of user personas
  • Design systems for time constrained users
  • Using free content to build a subscriber base (e.g. low first time user retention)